Horse Life Coaching Academy

To become a Holistic Operator, Equicoach & Counselor

At the end of the course, a certification recognized by the Lombardy Region is issued.

Get certified


Professionalising training course, accredited and certified by FederPro and Engea

The Academy provides the theoretical and practical tools to become a Holistic Operator, Equine Facilitated Learning.

A journey within yourself to heal what needs to be healed through the medicine that horses bring by rediscovering love for yourself. I remind you that you don't ride a horse, but it is a support of presence that invites you to recognize those parts of you that you are ashamed to show, helping you to understand your anger and your fear.

4 pillars of the Academy


The Academy is structured into 4 Thematic Pillars of 7 modules, with each pillar completed you will have training credits and a check to advance. New handouts have been added to support each student. There you will find a lot of information, but above all reference points and useful tools that can support you during your journey.

Meetings are held on the second and third weekend of each month, offering a regular and easily plannable structure.

You can start by participating in the Pillar that resonates with you the most, freely choosing which one to delve into. For example, you could undertake the first Pillar “Essence and Personality” as a path of personal growth and, subsequently, decide whether to continue the entire Professionalizing Path, thus expanding your experience and training in this unique and transformative journey.


Here are the modules of the first Pillar:

  • Module 1: Essential Qualities
  • Module 2: Enneagram, introduction and Test + the wounds of the child ego (the 5 wounds of Lis Bourbeau)
  • Module 3: How to manage emotions (the 4 primary emotions: fear, pleasure, pain, anger)
  • Module 4: The three languages ​​of love (rational, emotional, instinctive)
  • Module 5: Approach to the inner judge – awareness (mind, emotions, body)
  • Module 6: Experience of systemic-family constellations with horses
  • Module 7: Presence, centering, rootedness and awareness in everyday life
  • Module 8: Thematic Group – Birth Imprinting

  • Module 9: 1st Level – Genital rooting support grounding
  • Module 10: 2nd Level – Feeling, belly and emotions
  • Module 11: 3rd Level – Personal Power, Will
  • Module 12: Level 4 – Heart, compassion, exploration and openness
  • Module 13: 5th Level – Expression, manifestation, communication and creativity
  • Module 14: 6th Level – Clarity, intuition and vision
  • Module 15: 7th Level – Connection, Guidance, space and personal energy field
  • Module 16: Thematic Group – Language and management of the Horse

  • Module 17: Beyond Judgment and Freedom
  • Module 18: Enneagram Essence
  • Module 19: White Essence
  • Module 20: Red Essence
  • Module 21: Green Essence
  • Module 22: Yellow Essence
  • Module 23: Black Essence
  • Module 24: Thematic Group – Exercises, simulations, sessions, Storytelling

  • Module 23: Psychogenealogy
  • Module 24: Lead a session
  • Module 25: The seven valleys
  • Module 26: The Elements in Nature
  • Module 27: Male-Female
  • Module 28: Trauma Work – Somatic Experience (Gestalt)
  • Module 29: Horse approach management (7 games Parelli-Monti Robert)
  • Module 30: Supervision + Dragon-dreaming
  • Module 31: Psychology Code of Ethics